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Italian-style Greens

Italian-style Greens

When I think of a healthy side dish to put on the table, the first thing that always pops into my head is a bowl of cooked greens. Cooking down a giant pot of greens lets you take in a huge quantity of nutrients from 

My Favorite Cookbooks (and books about food–and all the rest)

My Favorite Cookbooks (and books about food–and all the rest)

What you will find below is a list of many of my favorite books. I begin with the most relevant: cookbooks. But I cannot resist also sharing some of my favorite food-related books, and then some of my favorite literature. They are all of them 

Tomato Bruschetta

Tomato Bruschetta

Bruschetta (pronounced brew-sket-uh) is not the same dish in the old country that it is here in the states. The chopped tomato bruschetta popular here is actually only one of many varieties. At its base, bruschetta is simply a dish of grilled bread, rubbed with garlic and brushed with olive oil. The dish gets its name from the latin word, bruscare, which means to grill. With grilled bread at the base, just about anything you put on top can be called bruschetta. Continue reading Tomato Bruschetta